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My Little Pony

Launched in 1983, My Lit­tle Pony is a world­wide toy and enter­tain­ment brand known for its pop­u­lar series Friend­ship is Mag­ic and Eques­tria Girls🦄.

In 2021, the lat­est movie from the fran­chise was released – My Lit­tle­Pony: A New Gen­er­a­tion, which intro­duced the 5th gen­er­a­tion of ponies – Sun­ny, Hitch, Izzy, Zipp and Pipp – to audi­ences everywhere. 

The adven­tures con­tin­ue with two all new series, MyLit­tle Pony: Make Your Mark, now stream­ing on Net­flix and My Lit­tle­Pony: Tell Your Tale, a short form series now avail­able on YouTube. 🌈 Come and dis­cov­er the mag­ic – and music – of Eques­tria  along­side your favorite ponies!