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Maddie Moate

Maddie Moate

Mad­die Moate is the host of Mag­ic Star’s award-win­ning pod­cast, Mad­die’s Sound Explorers.

Mad­die Moate is a BAF­TA-win­ning pre­sen­ter and YouTu­ber, pas­sion­ate about curios­i­ty. She is the host of the BAF­TA-nom­i­nat­ed CBee­bies TV series “Mad­die’s Do You Know?”, BBC Earth­’s “Earth Unplugged”, CBBC’s “Show Me the Hon­ey” and Ful­ly Charged’s YouTube series ‘Mad­die Goes Electric’.

In 2020 Mad­die launched her pod­cast “Mad­die’s Sound Explor­ers” with Mag­ic Star. Each episode explores the sounds of sci­ence and nature as Mad­die is joined by experts who guide the lis­ten­ers on all kinds of journeys.

Series One of Maddie’s Sound Explor­ers won the 2021 British Pod­cast Award for Best Fam­i­ly Podcast.